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How Bail Bonds Work Video Released by

Posted by:
Kimberly Faber

Press Release

Denver, CO –, a trusted network of bail agents, recently released a video outlining what a person looking to hire a bail agent can expect from the arrest to the verdict. The video, titled “How Bail Bonds Work,” aims to provide a clear and concise explanation of the bail process by walking the viewer through the basics of contacting a bail agent, collateral, getting the defendant released from jail, and what to do leading up to the court date.

The video and embed options can be viewed on the How Bail Bonds Work page of

“There are a lot of articles on the internet that outline this process,” co-founder Trent Carlyle explained, “but what each one failed to do is supply the basic information in an uncomplicated, clear format.” Carlyle noted that staying away from complicated terminology and only providing information that was absolutely necessary were two main aspirations for the project. “The goal here was to create a simple and easy to understand walkthrough of how bail bonds work that any viewer can understand,” he said. “We’re also happy that we were able to accomplish that in a light-hearted and creative way.”

The video was created as a resource for bail agents and offers embedding and linking options for them to include on their websites, Facebook pages, and Google+ profiles. has been helping bail agents get more clients and increase revenue through network listings, website design and local search optimization, and now these resources are readily available to associations. Bail associations that are interested in a new website and other marketing services can contact AboutBail at info(at)aboutbail(dot)com for help.


Posted by:
Kimberly Faber

As Director of Marketing and Multimedia, Kimberly sets strategy for outreach, distribution, social media, and network growth, and manages multimedia production for the network. She has a Bachelor of Science with a background in design, marketing, production, editorial, and operations and strategy. Kimberly consults with the production, operations, and tech teams on a variety of projects and initiatives. You can follow Kimberly on Twitter at @kimberlyfaber.